Sunday, November 18, 2007

Ugly beautiful people

Was so horribly shocked and disgusted yesterday.

We had gone to Casa Del Sol for lunch with A, P and the kids. There was this bunch of people who'd brought along their kids' ayah, and made her sit at a separate table! And, this was the absolute pits, they didn't get her anything to eat or drink!!

I have never see anything so appalling, in all my life.

We saw this six-year old running to and fro, between two tables - one, where this very ordinary-looking woman in less-than-fashionable clothes, was sitting alone. The other was this table occupied by a bunch of four young people in designer clothes, with slim figures... the beautiful people.

And we kept wondering who the kid was with, until we realised that this woman was the ayah (nursemaid) and that she was made to sit at a separate table.

All of us all had the same reaction - "Class shows!"

Now, I'm not a class-conscious person, but my definition of class is somebody who is sensitive and well-bred, and whose good manners extend to everybody, in general, but especially to those who work for you.

This is the sort of thing that happens in what would be dismissed as 'the new-money class' by our grandmothers. For, being insensitive towards servants is a sure sign that you lack class. We had servants in the house and were taught how to treat them properly. When you go out, either you don't take the servants along, and the kids are left at home as well, in the custody of the ayah (which is the best option, if you ask me, because kids are such a nuisance in restaurants). Or else, if you take the ayah along, you make sure she is not uncomfortable and has an enjoyable time.

All my life, I've been taught that just because someone is forced to live in your house and take orders from you, doesn't mean you can get away with forgetting her/his sense of pride.

Grandma used to hire young men, train them in the domestic arts, but I don't ever remember a single day when the servant was alone in the kitchen. Grandma worked alongside. On festivals, grandma made sure that the servants had new clothes; whether we did or not. My mommy continues to give treats of food, clothing and education to the maids we hire, although none of them lives with us...

This situation at Casa Del Sol's is inconceivable.

An ayah is a special servant. She's pretty much bringing up your kids! She's doing what you should be doing, except you are too lazy, too spoilt, or just too inefficient to do it yourself. She passes on her accent, her affection and even her value-systems to your kid.... she lives with you, for Gods' sake!

How on earth can you bring her to a restaurant and make her sit at a different table? How can you eat, knowing that she isn't eating? Even if she wasn't hungry, the least you could is tempt her with a light snack or a soft drink or something... ? How could you make it so obvious to your kid that this woman - whom he is obviously attached to, whom he depends on - is not worthy of sitting at the same table? How do you explain such an ugly society to your child?

What is wrong with these beautiful people?

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